Lodestar (Book)

From Google Image Search
From Google Image Search

I have suffered the absence of a bright star that has served as an anchor to my soul, obscured by these April clouds brought in by a cold front from the West

The same that obscured the Pink Moon which showed its hue around two this A.M.

I fear that somehow its absence is due to me. I wish it to be understood that I am benevolent only. And besides that, it is too far and too high for me to touch should the desire to do so reside

But when viewed my course is more stable and sure. I only want to be able to see it at all times. I pray for it with deep concern and am frantic when it is out of sight. Frantic that while out of view there should occur a super-nova, then to be seen no more

Yes I am concerned. Yes I am frantic for I have no one to resort, and have no friend that would dispatch a report about its well being to me

I can only pace back and forth, notching a trough into the wood floor until these April clouds dissipate that I might see that bright star radiate

Only then will I have relief and comfort enough to sleep


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